
Showing posts from December 25, 2018

Hans Adam von Schöning

Hans Adam von Schöning, copper engraving by August Christian Fleischmann Hans Adam von Schöning (1 October 1641 – 28 August 1696) was a Generalfeldmarschall in the service of Brandenburg-Prussia and the Electorate of Saxony. Schöning was born at Tamsel near Küstrin in the Margraviate of Brandenburg. He was well-connected by marriage, his uncle being Field Marshal Georg von Derfflinger and his daughter being married to Colonel Ludwig von Blumenthal, a nephew of Field Marshal von Dünewald and brother-in-law of General Carl Friedrich von Schlippenbach (1658–1753). His descendants include Field Marshal von Wrangel, granddaughter Luise Eleonore Wreech (1708–1784), a nephew - the military historian Kurd von Schöning and the rocket scientist, Wernher von Braun. Von Schöning died on 28 August 1696 in Dresden and was buried in the chapel at Tamsel in Dąbroszyn. Hans Adam von Schöning was the owner of an estate in Brzoza. Contents 1 Family 2 Military career 3 Schlo

戶 或稱 家戶 ,是用來記錄社會與經濟活動、人口狀況或公民身分的基本單位。這個單位有時等同於「家」,但沒有絕對的關係;例如一家工廠、商店,或者一名獨居者,也可能在行政上計做一戶。 相關條目 戶籍 戶政 參考來源 戶籍法施行細則(全國法規資料庫) 规范控制 GND: 4023744-8 NARA: 10639226 NDL: 01066358 This page is only for reference, If you need detailed information, please check here


吏 又稱 胥吏 、 吏胥 、 胥史 [1] 、 胥鈔 、 書吏 、 書辦 ,古代掌理案卷、文書小官。 胥吏的制度起源於徭役,即所谓“签充吏役”。《新唐書·卷二十四·車服志》稱:「胥吏、商賈之妻、老者乘葦軬車,兜籠舁以二人。」《续资治通鉴长编》卷二四八熙宁六年十二月壬申条载:“时内自政府,外及监司诸州胥吏,皆赋以禄,谓之仓法。” 目录 1 中國 1.1 唐宋時期 1.2 明清時期 2 弊端 3 其他 4 現代近似制度 5 注釋 6 參見 7 參考書目 8 外部連結 中國 胥吏可以說是魏晉南北朝的產物。随着九品中正制的实行,士族子弟終日清談,政務全委諸於胥吏之手。隋代称一品至九品为流内,未入九品者称流外。隨著時代演進,社会复杂化和行政繁琐化,胥吏在行政事务的角色扮演日漸重要,但是胥吏实际地位卻不断下降。 唐宋時期 唐朝以後,国家对地方基层社会的控制进一步增强,導致吏胥數目大量激增。唐玄宗時期中央和地方有胥吏35萬之眾,杜牧擔任黃州刺史,發現黃州胥吏“公取於民”、“侵竊十倍”。胥吏弄權在晚唐成為普遍現象。北宋元祐年间胥吏总数约在44万左右。 [2] 《大学衍义补》卷九八《胥隶之役》下说:唐宋以后“上至朝廷,下至州县,每一职一司,官长不过数人,而胥吏不胜其众”。而且胥吏的專業更勝於官員。唐代赵匡在《选举议》说:士人读经书,诵疏文,不习政务,“及临人决事,取办胥吏之口而已” [3] 。牟顾相曰“唐宋以来,……吏胥日横” [4] 。 胥吏在宋朝待遇稍高,苏轼说“胥吏行文书,治刑狱、钱谷” [5] 。叶适说:“吾祖宗之治天下也,事无小大,一听于法,虽杰异之能,不得自有所为……” [6] 。叶适指出:“夫以官听吏,疲懦之名,人情之所避也,然而不免焉,何也?国家以法为本,以例为要。其官虽贵也,其人虽贤也,然而非法无决也,非例无行也。……知其一不知其二,不若吏之悉也,故不得不举而归之吏。” [7] 又说:士大夫“專从事于奔走进取,其簿书期会一切惟吏胥之听。……比渡江之后,文字散逸,旧法往例尽用省记,轻重予夺惟意所出。” [8] 明清時期 至清代,官員大都是科舉出身,口口聲聲要“代聖人立言”,但日夜誦讀都是沒有實用價值的帖括制義,不習法律世務,入

House of Hanover

"Hanoverians" redirects here. For the college whose alumni are known as such, see Hanover College. For other uses, see Hanover House (disambiguation). House of Hanover Parent house Este → Welf Country Kingdom of Great Britain Kingdom of Ireland United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland Kingdom of Hanover Electorate of Brunswick-Lüneburg Ethnicity German Founded 1635 – George, Duke of Brunswick-Lüneburg Current head Ernst August, Prince of Hanover Titles Empress of India King and Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland King of Great Britain King of Ireland King of France King of Hanover Elector of Brunswick-Lueneburg Arch-Treasurer of the Holy Roman Empire Duke of Brunswick-Lüneburg Duke of Brunswick etc . Deposition Hanover : 1866 – George V of Hanover lost the territory to Prussia in the Austro-Prussian War Brunswick : 1918 – Ernest Augustus of Brunswick forced to abdicate after German def