
Showing posts from January 26, 2019


Image .mw-parser-output table.infobox caption{text-align:center} 隆回县 概览 国家   中华人民共和国 隶属行政区 湖南省邵阳市 区划类别 县 区划代码 430524 政府驻地 桃洪镇 地理 总面积 2,871 平方千米 人口及經濟 1,095,392 [1] 其它 时区 UTC+8(北京时间) 邮政编码 422200 电话区号 +86 (0)0739 隆回县 是位于湖南省邵阳市中部的县。GDP总量70.4亿元(2010年) 目录 1 历史 2 地理 3 行政区划 4 参考文献 历史 隆回疆域春秋战国属楚国南境,秦统一中国,始设郡县,属长沙郡。西汉初属长沙国昭陵县地。汉武帝元朔五年(前124年),析昭陵置都梁、二侯国,属零陵郡。都梁侯国城邑一说在今武冈城东七里村,一说在今隆回桃花坪一带。东汉地属昭陵、都梁县地。 三国吴宝鼎元年(266年),割零陵北部置昭陵郡,又析昭陵置高平县,县治在今高平镇小坳村古县场,并改都梁为武冈县,今境分属昭陵、高平、武冈县地。晋太康元年(280年),分武冈北境复置都梁县,更高平为南高平。都梁县城在今桃花坪一带。此时县境分属昭陵郡的都梁、高平县地。南朝梁曾徙昭陵郡治于桃花坪。 南朝陈省昭陵、高平入邵阳,县境属邵阳、都梁县地。隋平陈,郡废,并都梁、夫夷入邵阳,仅置邵阳一县。隋末肖铣据邵阳,置建州,又致武攸县于今城步县治。唐武德四年(621年)平肖铣,改建州为南梁州,改武攸县为武冈县。太宗贞观十年(636年)改南梁州为邵州,辖邵阳、武冈二县,此时属邵阳、武冈县地。宋神宗熙宁五年(1072年)开发梅山,以上梅山置新化县,属邵州。自此,隆回境域分属邵阳、武冈、新化三县辖地,历元、明、清无甚变动。隆回县始建于民国三十六年(1947年),当年5月设立隆回县筹备处,8月1日正式成立,县治设六都寨;1949年县治由六都寨迁至“桃花坪”(今桃洪镇)。 地理 隆回县地处资水上游,雪峰山脉贯穿于辖境西北;地势西北部高、南部低。全境山地占40.35%,丘陵占25.29%。岗地

Centrum semiovale

Centrum semiovale Dissection of cortex and brain-stem showing association fibers and island of Reil after removal of its superficial gray substance. Human brain right dissected lateral view description Details Identifiers Latin centrum semiovale NeuroNames 190 FMA 61939 Anatomical terms of neuroanatomy [edit on Wikidata] The centrum semiovale , semioval center or centrum ovale [1] is the central area of white matter found underneath the cerebral cortex. [2] The white matter, located in each hemisphere between the cerebral cortex and nuclei, as a whole has a semioval shape. It consists of cortical projection fibers, association fibers and cortical fibers. It continues ventrally as the corona radiata. References ^ "centrum semiovale". . .mw-parser-output cite.citation{font-style:inherit}.mw-parser-output .citation q{quotes:"""""""'""'"}.mw-parser-output .cita


Brainstem The three distinct parts of the brainstem are colored in this sagittal section of a human brain. Details Part of Brain Parts Medulla, Pons, Midbrain Identifiers Latin truncus encephali MeSH D001933 NeuroNames 2052, 236 NeuroLex ID birnlex_1565 TA A14.1.03.009 FMA 79876 Anatomical terms of neuroanatomy [edit on Wikidata] The brainstem (or brain stem ) is the posterior part of the brain, continuous with the spinal cord. In the human brain the brainstem includes the midbrain, and the pons and medulla oblongata of the hindbrain. Sometimes the diencephalon, the caudal part of the forebrain, is included. [1] The brainstem provides the main motor and sensory nerve supply to the face and neck via the cranial nerves. Of the thirteen pairs of cranial nerves, ten pairs (or twelve, if the diencephalon is included in the brainstem) come from the brainstem. The brainstem is an extremely important part of the brain as the nerve connection