
Showing posts from February 1, 2019

Suzuki reaction

Suzuki reaction Named after Akira Suzuki Reaction type Coupling reaction Identifiers Organic Chemistry Portal suzuki-coupling RSC ontology ID RXNO:0000140 The Suzuki reaction is an organic reaction, classified as a coupling reaction, where the coupling partners are a boronic acid and an organohalide catalyzed by a palladium(0) complex. [1] [2] [3] It was first published in 1979 by Akira Suzuki and he shared the 2010 Nobel Prize in Chemistry with Richard F. Heck and Ei-ichi Negishi for their effort for discovery and development of palladium-catalyzed cross couplings in organic synthesis. [4] In many publications this reaction also goes by the name Suzuki–Miyaura reaction and is also referred to as the Suzuki coupling . It is widely used to synthesize poly-olefins, styrenes, and substituted biphenyls. Several reviews have been published describing advancements and the development of the Suzuki Reaction. [5] [6] [7] The general scheme for the S


巴剎內販售的椰絲球 椰絲球 (馬來文:Ondeh-ondeh、Onde-onde,印尼文:Klepon)是馬來西亞、印尼的傳統甜點之一,發源於爪哇島,此糕點使用糯米製成,內部的液狀餡料為融化的椰糖(Gula Melaka)。傳統的做法是將糯米糰包裹上塊狀的椰糖再揉成圓形,放至水裡煮熟之後,沾上早已刨好的椰絲,其綠色的表皮是因為使用班蘭葉的汁液染製而成,目前也開始在糯米粉內摻雜蕃薯泥,製成橘色、黃色或紫色的椰絲球 [1] 。在馬來西亞、印尼、汶萊一帶是非常流行的傳統甜點,一般多用香蕉葉裝置。在馬來西亞,此糕點稱為“Ondeh-ondeh”或“Onde-onde”,在馬來文意為丸子;印尼將其稱為“Klepon”(Onde-onde在當地意為煎堆);汶萊則稱為“Kuih Pancit”。 雖然此糕點是馬來人和印尼人的傳統糕點,在15世紀開始南來的土生華人/峇峇娘惹(Peranakan/Baba Nyonya)從母親一輩的土著祖先學製此糕點後,開始將其內化至自身的飲食文化內,在土生華人的傳統婚宴中,椰絲球是必備的甜點之一,意為團團圓圓 [2] 。 參見 糯米糍 糖不甩 湯圓 參考 ^ Onde-onde(Ondeh-ondeh) ^ 峇峇娘惹文化‧講究品質“慢慢做”‧娘惹糕精緻美味 查 论 编 馬來西亞料理 馬來料理 椰漿飯Nasi Lemak 羅惹Rojak 沙嗲Satay 亞參叻沙Asam Laksa 叻沙Laksa 西米糕Ambuyat 馬來烤雞Ayam Bakar 馬來炸雞Ayam Goreng 亞参魚Asam Pedas 馬來烤魚Ikan Bakar 馬來粽Ketupat 竹筒饭Lemang 仁當Rendang 搭冈饭Nasi Dagang 馬來炒飯Nasi Goreng 馬來炒麵Mee Goreng 爪哇麵Mee Rebus 烏蘭Ulam 亞雜Acar 馬來魚餅Keropok 马来羊肉汤Malaysian Mutton Soup 面煎粿Apam balik 華人料理 肉骨茶Bak Kut Teh 西刀鱼丸Swordfish Ball 新山粿条仔Kuey T


Not to be confused with Isocyanate. [R− N⊕ ≡ C⊖ :⟷ R− N¨ =C:]{displaystyle left[{ce {R}}-{overset {oplus }{ce {N}}}{ce {#}}{overset {ominus }{ce {C}}}{ce {:,<->R-{ddot {N}}=C{:}}}right]} General resonance structure of an isocyanide An isocyanide (also called isonitrile or carbylamine ) is an organic compound with the functional group -N≡C. It is the isomer of the related cyanide (-C≡N), hence the prefix iso . [1] The organic fragment is connected to the isocyanide group via the nitrogen atom, not via the carbon. They are used as building blocks for the synthesis of other compounds. Contents 1 Properties 1.1 Structure and bonding 1.2 Spectroscopy 1.3 Odour 1.4 Toxicity 2 Synthesis 2.1 Silver cyanide route 2.2 From formamides 2.3 From dichlorocarbene 2.4 Other methods 3 Reactions 3.1 Ligands in coordination chemistry 4 Naturally occurring isocyanides 5 Nomenclature 6 References Properties St