
Showing posts from January 25, 2019

Southern Health and Social Care Trust

The Southern Health and Social Care Trust provides health and social care services in Northern Ireland. It runs Craigavon Area Hospital, Daisy Hill Hospital in Newry, Lurgan Hospital, South Tyrone Hospital, Armagh Community Hospital and St Luke's Hospital in Armagh. St Luke's provides mental health services. Daisy Hill Hospital emergency department is under threat because of difficulty in retaining staff. [1] The trust was allocated funds from the Waiting List Initiative in 2015-6 which was supposed to help them meet NHS targets for surgery. They paid their surgical consultants almost £247,000 to do extra work, but it had no effect on the waiting lists. [2] References ^ "Emergency meeting called over threat to Daisy Hill's A&E unit". Belfast Telegraph. 28 April 2017 . Retrieved 28 April 2017 . .mw-parser-output cite.citation{font-style:inherit}.mw-parser-output .citation q{quotes:"""""""'""'

壽永 .mw-parser-output table.infobox caption{text-align:center} 日語寫法 日語原文 寿永 假名 じえい 平文式罗马字 Juei 壽永 (1182年五月二十七日至1185年三月二十四日以後 [1] )是日本的年號之一。這個時代的天皇是安德天皇與後鳥羽天皇,也是後白河法皇的院政期。 這個年號使用的時代發生源平合戰。 目录 1 改元 2 出處 3 出生 4 逝世 5 大事記 6 紀年、西曆、干支對照表 7 註釋 8 參考 9 參考文獻 改元 養和二年(或治承六年)五月二十七日(1182年6月29日) 改元壽永 壽永三年(治承八年)四月十六日(1184年5月27日) 改元元曆 出處 出自「詩經」「周頌・載見」裡「率見昭考,以孝以享,以介眉 壽 。 永 言保之,思皇多祜」的「壽」、「永」二字。 出生 逝世 大事記 壽永二年:後鳥羽天皇踐祚。 壽永三年:宇治川之戰爆發:源範賴與源義經之軍隊大破源義仲軍。 壽永三年:壇之浦之戰爆發:平氏滅亡。 紀年、西曆、干支對照表 壽永 元年 二年 三年 四年 儒略曆日期 1182年 1183年 1184年 1185年 源氏之年號 治承六年 治承七年 元暦元年 文治元年 干支 壬寅 癸卯 甲辰 乙巳 註釋 ^ 平氏於壇之浦之戰戰敗、滅亡與安德天皇身亡為壽永三年。 參考 日本年號索引 同期存在的其他政權之紀年 治承(1177年八月四日至1184年四月十六日):後鳥羽天皇與源氏之年號 元曆(1184年四月十六日至1185年八月十四日):後鳥羽天皇與源氏之年號 淳熙(1174年正月至1189年十二月):宋—宋孝宗趙昚之年號 嘉會(1181年至1184年):大理—段智興之年號 元亨:大理—段智興之年號 定安:大理—段智興之年號 貞符(1176年至1186年):李朝—李龍翰之年號 天禧(1178年至1211年):西遼—末主耶律直魯古


For other uses, see Ambulance (disambiguation). Fiat Ducato ambulance An ambulance is a vehicle which can transport medical patients to treatment, [1] and in some instances will also provide out-of-hospital medical care to the patient. Ambulances are used to respond to medical emergencies by the emergency medical services. For this purpose, they are generally equipped with flashing warning lights and sirens. They can rapidly transport paramedics and other responders to the scene, carry equipment for administering emergency care and transport patients to hospital or other definitive care. Most ambulances use a design based on vans or pick-up trucks. Others take the form of motorcycles, cars, buses, aircraft and boats (see below: Vehicle types). Generally, vehicles count as an ambulance if they can transport patients. However, it varies by jurisdiction as to whether a non-emergency patient transport vehicle (also called an ambulette) is counted as an ambulance. These ve