
Showing posts from December 29, 2018


本条目 需要擴充。 (2014年4月5日) 请協助改善这篇條目,更進一步的信息可能會在討論頁或扩充请求中找到。请在擴充條目後將此模板移除。   本條目介紹的是一個東歐民族。關於同名電腦遊戲,請見“ 哥薩克 (電腦遊戲) ”。關於沙俄作家列夫·托爾斯泰的同名小說,請見“ 哥薩克 (小說) ”。    提示 :本条目的主题不是 可萨人 。    提示 :本条目的主题不是 哈薩克人 。 哥薩克馬邁 哥萨克 (烏克蘭語: козаки ;俄语: каза́ки́ )是一群生活在东欧大草原(乌克兰及俄罗斯南部)的游牧民系,在历史上以驍勇善战和精湛的骑术著称,為支撑俄罗斯帝国于17世纪往东扩张的主要力量。移民中国的部分哥萨克被称为阿尔巴津人。 目录 1 歷史 2 現況 3 文化 3.1 哥薩克舞 4 相關文學作品 5 圖集 6 參見 7 外部連結 歷史 13世纪开始,一些斯拉夫人为了逃避蒙古帝国中钦察汗国的统治而流落到俄罗斯南部地区,包括顿河流域、第聂伯河下游和伏尔加河流域。15、16世纪时,一些城市貧民與不愿成為農奴的俄罗斯、乌克兰农民迁徙到俄南地区。这些人被称为“哥萨克”,即突厥语中的“自由人”。哥萨克人在俄南建立了一些地方政权。東歐因為平原多,山地少,因此哥薩克族群多數以河流命名,如“顿河哥萨克”,“烏拉爾河哥薩克”等。 哥萨克人以英勇善战著称。在俄羅斯歷史上,钦察汗国被推翻之后,俄羅斯帝國沙皇通过收买哥萨克貴族與酋長們而控制哥萨克人。哥薩克人組成的騎兵,是沙俄的重要武力。俄国向西伯利亞擴張的过程中哥薩克是俄国的主要依仗。沙俄时期,一共组建了11个哥萨克军区。分别是:顿河、库班、捷列克(Terek)、阿斯特拉罕、乌拉尔、奥伦堡、西伯利亚、斜米列契(今哈萨克)、外貝加尔、阿穆尔和乌苏里军区。此外还有叶尼塞军区和原本定于1917年组建的伊尔库茨克团,因故未能实行。 十月革命之后,哥萨克人少数参加布尔什维克政府的苏联红军,多数参加反共產的白军。第二次世界大战期间,哥萨克骑兵发挥了重要作用,在史達林格勒攻防戰中建立重大戰功,而同时也有一些人趁机反叛苏联的统治。 現況 今日的西伯利亞哥薩克人家庭。 今天的哥萨克人不被认为

Classification of Champagne vineyards

Map of the Champagne wine region. The classification of Champagne vineyards developed in the mid-20th century as a means of setting the price of grapes grown through the villages of the Champagne wine region. Unlike the classification of Bordeaux wine estates or Burgundy Grand cru vineyards, the classification of Champagne is broken down based on what village the vineyards are located in. [1] A percentile system known as the Échelle des Crus ("ladder of growth") acts as a pro-rata system for determining grape prices. Vineyards located in villages with high rates will receive higher prices for their grapes than vineyards located in villages with a lower rating. While the Échelle des Crus system was originally conceived as a 1-100 point scale, in practice, the lowest rated villages are rated at 80%. Premier crus villages are rated between 90 and 99 percent while the highest rated villages, with 100% ratings are Grand crus . [2] Contents 1 Origins 2 Pri


This article is about the sparkling wine from the Champagne region of France. For other uses, see Champagne (disambiguation). A glass of Champagne exhibiting the characteristic bubbles associated with the wine Champagne ( / ʃ æ m ˈ p eɪ n / , French:  [ʃɑ̃paɲ] ) is sparkling wine or, in the EU countries, legally only that sparkling wine which comes from the Champagne region of France. Where EU law applies, this alcoholic drink is produced from grapes grown in the Champagne region of France following rules that demand, among other things, secondary fermentation of the wine in the bottle to create carbonation, specific vineyard practices, sourcing of grapes exclusively from specific parcels in the Champagne appellation and specific pressing regimes unique to the region. [1] Many people use the term Champagne as a generic term for sparkling wine but in some countries, it is illegal to label any product Champagne unless it both comes from the Champagne region and is produced