
Showing posts from February 5, 2019

金世宗 .mw-parser-output table.infobox caption{text-align:center} 金世宗 概要 姓名 完顏乌禄 (漢名完顏褎,改完顏雍) 庙号 世宗 谥号 光天興運文德武功聖明仁孝皇帝 陵墓 兴陵 政权 金朝 在世 1123年3月29日—1189年1月20日 在位 1161年10月27日—1189年1月20日 年号 大定1161年—1189年 金世宗完顏雍 (天輔七年三月初一甲寅日 [1] ,儒略曆1123年3月29日—大定二十九年正月初二癸巳日,儒略曆1189年1月20日)),原名 完顏褎 (xiù、ㄒㄧㄡˋ),金朝第五位皇帝(1161年10月27日—1189年1月20日在位)。女真名 乌禄 ,金太祖完颜阿骨打孙,海陵王完颜亮征宋时为辽东留守,后被拥立为帝,在位28年,终年67岁,葬于兴陵(今北京市房山区)。 目录 1 生平 1.1 东京政变 1.2 大定之治 2 家庭 2.1 父母 2.2 妻妾子女 3 評價 4 附註 5 参考文献 生平 东京政变 1161年十月初八日,完颜亮率领大军渡过淮水,进兵南宋庐州。东京辽阳府发生了政变。曹国公完颜雍时任东京留守,完颜秉德以谋立葛王完颜雍之罪被杀后,完颜雍从海路献珍宝以表明他的忠诚。完颜亮命渤海人高存福为副留守,监视完颜雍的行动。契丹撒八等起义,完颜雍出兵阻击括里。完颜亮命婆速府路总管完颜谋衍(完颜娄室之子)领兵五千助战。完颜亮自辽东征调大批女真兵南下侵宋,女真兵多不愿南下。行至山东时,南征万户、曷苏馆女真猛安完颜福寿等领一万多人,中途叛变,逃回辽阳。完颜福寿与完颜谋衍等在辽阳发动政变,杀高存福,拥立完颜雍作皇帝,即金世宗。十月初八日,金世宗下诏废黜完颜亮,改元大定。完颜谋衍为右副元帅,福寿为右监军。十一月,在东京的政权,逐渐巩固。中都留守阿琐等起而响应金世宗。金世宗决定迁赴中都。十一月二十七日拂晓,完颜元宜率领将士袭击完颜亮营帐,完颜亮被乱箭射死。 大定之治 金世宗即位后,首先对南宋的进攻保持守势,着手平息契丹起义,待平息契丹起

Women's National Indian Association

For other uses, see National Indian Association (disambiguation). The Women’s National Indian Association (WNIA) was founded in 1879 by a group of American women including Mary Bonney and Amelia Stone Quinton. Bonney and Quinton united against the encroachment of white settlers on land set aside for Native Americans. They also drew up a petition that addressed the binding obligation of treaties between the United States and American-Indian nations. The petition was circulated in sixteen states and was presented to President Rutherford B. Hayes at the White House and in the U.S. House of Representatives in 1880. Amelia Stone Quinton (1833-1926) [1] The Association changed its name to National Indian Association, and was voluntarily dissolved in 1951. Contents 1 History 2 Goals of the Movement 3 Legislative Impact 4 Footnotes 5 Further reading 6 External links History The Association first began as a petition drive to persuade Congress t

Woman's Christian Temperance Union

"WCTU" redirects here. For the rail line in White City, Oregon, see WCTU Railway. Woman's Christian Temperance Union The logo of the WCTU is a white ribbon bow, representing purity. Type Non-governmental organization, Non-profit organization Focus Temperance movement Area served Worldwide Website The Woman's Christian Temperance Union ( WCTU ) is an active international temperance organization that was among the first organizations of women devoted to social reform with a program that "linked the religious and the secular through concerted and far-reaching reform strategies based on applied Christianity." [1] It was influential in the temperance movement, and supported the 18th Amendment. The WCTU was originally organized on December 23, 1873, in Hillsboro, Ohio, and officially declared at a national convention in Cleveland, Ohio, in 1874. [2] It operated at an international level and in the context of religi