
Showing posts from February 16, 2019


"Mohican" redirects here. For other uses, see Mohican (disambiguation). Not to be confused with the Mohegans, a different Algonquian-speaking tribe living in eastern (upper Thames valley) Connecticut. Mahican Muhhekunneuw Historic territory of the Mahicans Total population c. 3,000 Regions with significant populations   United States (Shawano County, Wisconsin) Languages English (originally Mahican) Religion Moravian Church Related ethnic groups Lenape, Mohegan, Pequot The Mahican ( / m ə ˈ h iː k ən / or Mohican / m oʊ ˈ h iː k ən / ) are an Eastern Algonquian Native American tribe that was Algonquian-speaking. As part of the Algonquian family of tribes, they were related to the abutting Lenape, who occupied territory to the south as far as the Atlantic coast. The Mahican occupied the upper Hudson River Valley (around the confluence of the Mohawk River, where present-day Albany, New York, developed) and into western New England centered on pr


维基百科中的醫療相关内容仅供参考,詳見 醫學聲明 。如需专业意见请咨询专业人士。 .mw-parser-output table.infobox caption{text-align:center} 剖宮產 進行中的剖宮產 ICD-9-CM 74 MeSH D002585 剖宮產 (Caesarean section)也稱為 剖腹產 、 帝王式切開術 ,是用手術方式切開腹部及子宮,來分娩嬰兒的生產方式 [1] 。通常是陰道分娩可能對新生兒或母親的生命及健康造成損害的情況下,才會選擇剖腹產 [1] ,這類的情形包括難產、雙胞胎的分娩、產婦高血壓、 臀位分娩 ( 英语 : Breech birth ) 、胎盤或是脐带的問題 [1] [2] 。剖宮產會依照產婦骨盆的形狀或是以往剖宮產的手術史來評估進行方式 [1] [2] 。不過在上述情形下(甚至包括 前一次分娩是剖宮產 ( 英语 : Delivery after previous Caesarean section ) 的情形),仍有可能會試著先進行陰道分娩 [1] 。世界衛生組織建議剖腹產只有在醫療上有必要,而且會對新生兒及母親的生命健康造成損害時才能進行 [2] [3] 。不過在陰道分娩沒有額外風險的情形下,有時也會 因為孕婦或是家屬的偏好及請求 ( 英语 : Caesarean delivery on maternal request ) 而進行剖腹產 [1] 。 一次剖腹產進程通常需要45分鐘至一個小時 [1] 。剖腹產可以透過 半身麻醉 ( 英语 : Spinal anaesthesia ) 在產婦清醒在進行手術,抑或在全身麻醉下進行 [1] 。剖腹產的事前準備即會幫產婦安置導尿管以協助排空膀胱,再幫腹部皮膚消毒殺菌 [1] 。執行剖腹產的過程,通常先於母親的下腹部切開約15厘米(6英寸)的 切口 ( 英语 : Pfannenstiel incision ) [1] ,然後再下第二刀將子宮打開,並產出嬰兒 [1] ;最後一步為 縫合 ( 英语 : surgical suture ) 關閉所有腔室 [1] 。產婦只要甦醒並離開手術室後,即可以母乳哺育 [4] 。通常歷經剖腹產的產婦需要在醫院中休養數天,才能返回家中 [1]

Queen Anne's War

Queen Anne's War Part of the War of the Spanish Succession Map of European colonies in North America, 1702 Date 1702–1713 (11 years) Location North America Result British victory Treaty of Utrecht Treaty of Portsmouth (1713) Territorial changes France cedes to Britain the control of Acadia, Newfoundland, Hudson Bay, and Saint Kitts Belligerents   France   New France Spain New Spain Wabanaki Confederacy Caughnawaga Mohawk Choctaw Timucua Apalachee Natchez   England (before 1707) British America   Great Britain (after 1707) British America Muscogee (Creek) Chickasaw Yamasee Iroquois Confederacy Commanders and leaders José de Zúñiga y la Cerda Daniel d'Auger de Subercase Philippe de Rigaud Vaudreuil Father Sebastian Rale Jean-Baptiste Hertel de Rouville Joseph Dudley James Moore Francis Nicholson Hovenden Walker Benjamin Church Teganissorens Casualties and losses Spain: 50–60 French colonies: