
Showing posts from November 10, 2018

Mississippian (geology)

"Mississippian period" redirects here. It is not to be confused with the "Mississippian period" describing the dominance of the Mississippian culture. System Subsystem/ Series Stage Age (Ma) Permian Cisuralian Asselian younger Carboniferous Pennsylvanian Gzhelian 298.9 303.7 Kasimovian 303.7 307.0 Moscovian 307.0 315.2 Bashkirian 315.2 323.2 Mississippian Serpukhovian 323.2 330.9 Visean 330.9 346.7 Tournaisian 346.7 358.9 Devonian Late Famennian older Subdivision of the Carboniferous system according to the ICS, as of 2017. [1] The Mississippian (also known as Lower Carboniferous or Early Carboniferous ) is a subperiod in the geologic timescale or a subsystem of the geologic record. It is the earliest/lowermost of two subperiods of the Carboniferous period lasting from roughly 358.9 to 323.2 million years ago. As with most other geochronologic


克桑托斯 ( 呂基亞語 ( 英语 : Lycian language ) :Arñna;希臘語: Ξάνθος ;拉丁語:Xanthus;土耳其語:Ksantos),是古代呂基亞的一個城市,遺址位於今土耳其安塔利亞省的奇尼克。當地的葬殡艺术遗址非常有代表性,它反映了呂基亚传统与希腊文化影响的交融,很多古老的碑文现在是研究印欧语系以及呂基亚人历史的重要参考。克桑托斯同时也是莱克伊亚地区最大的宗教中心和商业中心,这里在罗马时代和拜占庭帝国时代建造了很多非常重要的建筑物。 查 论 编 土耳其世界遺產 愛琴海 以弗所 希拉波利斯和棉花堡 帕加馬 桑索斯和 莱顿 ( 英语 : Letoon ) 1 黑海 哈圖沙 :赫梯首都 番紅花城 安那托利亞中部 格雷梅国家公园和卡帕多细亚的岩石景观 加泰土丘 新石器時代遺址 迪夫里伊的大清真寺和医院 ( 英语 : Great Mosque and Hospital of Divriği ) 安那托利亞東部 阿尼 的歷史古城 馬摩拉 特洛伊考古遗址 布爾薩 和 庫馬利吉茲克 伊斯坦布爾歷史區 塞利米耶清真寺 地中海地區 桑索斯和 莱顿 ( 英语 : Letoon ) 1 安那托利亞東南部 科馬基尼 的內姆魯特山 迪亞巴克爾 堡壘 和 赫夫塞爾花園 哥贝克力石阵 1 和其他地區共同擁有 This page is only for reference, If you need detailed information, please check here

Geological formation

The fundamental unit of lithostratigraphy This article includes a list of references, related reading or external links, but its sources remain unclear because it lacks inline citations . Please help to improve this article by introducing more precise citations. (November 2013) (Learn how and when to remove this template message) A geologic cross section of the Grand Canyon. Black numbers correspond to groups of formations and white numbers correspond to formations (click on picture for more information). A formation or geological formation is the fundamental unit of lithostratigraphy. A formation consists of a certain amount of rock strata that have a comparable lithology, facies or other similar properties. Formations are not defined by the thickness of their rock strata; therefore the thickness of different formations can vary widely. The concept of formally defined layers or strata is central to the geologic discipline of stratigraphy. Groups of strata are divi

Stag (magazine)

Stag was the name of various American men's magazines published from the 1930s through at least the 1990s. Contents 1 Publication history 1.1 First publication 1.2 Second publication 1.2.1 Transition to pornography 2 References 3 External links Publication history First publication The first Stag , published by Leeds Publishing Corp., beginning with vol. 1, #1 (June 1937), was a 25-cent, 96-page, digest subtitled "A Magazine for Men" and which included articles and stories by such writers as Carleton Beals, Elsa Maxwell, Bernard Sobel, and Hendrik Willem van Loon. It covered a range of topics, including literature, music, sports, and theater, along with stories on male-female relationships, sexual issues, and such topics as striptease. [1] Second publication A second Stag , published by Official Com. Inc. and edited by Noah Sarlat, appeared circa 1951 as a 25-cent, 82-page, standard-sized men's adventure magazine. T

尼卡諾爾 (總督)

尼卡諾爾 (希臘語:Νικάνωρ),是一位馬其頓的優秀軍官,為安提柯下的米底總督,他可能與亞歷山大大帝的部將尼卡諾爾是同一個人 。 在前321年佩爾狄卡斯逝世,在特里帕拉迪蘇斯分封協議中他被任命為卡帕多細亞總督 [1] 。在安提柯與歐邁尼斯交戰時,尼卡諾爾附屬於安提柯之下。前316年伽比埃奈戰役後,桀驁不馴的銀盾兵同意向安提柯投降並交出歐邁尼斯等人,而尼卡諾爾負責前往接收歐邁尼斯等囚犯 [2] 。 在米底亞總督培松和其同黨被安提柯剷除後,安提柯任命尼卡諾爾為新任米底亞總督兼上部行省統帥,而這塊區域和其他東方行省通稱為上部行省(upper satrapies)。當前312年塞琉古占據巴比倫,因而爆發巴比倫戰爭。尼卡諾爾立即組織一支大軍前往討伐塞琉古,但在途經底格里斯河的路上遭到塞琉古奇襲,尼卡諾爾的大軍因而遭到塞琉古軍擊敗。隨後東方米底等各省都落入塞琉古手中。 尼卡諾爾在那場戰役後的結局不是很清楚,西西里的狄奧多羅斯記載尼卡諾爾從混戰中逃走,他逃入沙漠裏並從那裏寫信向安提柯尋求援助。然而阿庇安卻記載他在那場戰役中陣亡。總而言之,尼卡諾爾之後就沒在歷史中出現。. [3] 注釋 ^ 阿利安,被引用自Photios I of Constantinople 72a; 西西里的狄奧多羅斯 18.39; 阿庇安 Mithr . 8. ^ 普魯塔克 歐邁尼斯 17. ^ 西西里的狄奧多羅斯 19.92, 100; 阿庇安 Syriaca . 55. 外部連結 Nicanor This page is only for reference, If you need detailed information, please check here

West End Gang

West End Gang Founded 1900 Founding location Montreal Years active 1900s-present Territory Various neighborhoods in Montréal Ethnicity Irish, French Canadians Membership .mw-parser-output .nobold{font-weight:normal} (est.) 100-150 Criminal activities Drug trafficking, contract killing, extortion, racketeering, illegal gambling, gun-running, prostitution and money laundering Allies Rizzuto crime family The West End Gang is one of Canada's most influential organized crime groups. Active since the early 1900s and still active today, their rise to notoriety did not begin until the 1960s when they were known simply as the "Irish gang". Their criminal activities were focused on, but not restricted to, the west side of Montreal, Quebec. Most of the gang's earnings in the early days were derived from truck hijackings, home invasions, kidnapping, protection racket, drug trafficking, extortion and armed robbery. [1] In the 1960s,


古代世界七大奇迹,由左至右,由上至下,分別為吉薩大金字塔、空中花園、阿耳忒弥斯神庙、宙斯神像、摩索拉斯王陵墓、羅得島太陽神銅像及亞歷山大燈塔 古代世界七大奇蹟 ,常稱 七大奇蹟 ,為最早被提出的七大奇蹟觀念。前2世紀拜占廷人斐羅( Philo of Byzantium )寫下《世界七大奇蹟(希臘語: Επτά θαύματα του αρχαίου κόσμου )》一書,描述當時在地中海附近7個偉大建築,分別是「埃及的金字塔」、「巴比倫的空中花園」、「奧林帕斯的宙斯神像」、「以弗所的阿耳忒彌斯神廟」、「哈利卡納蘇斯的摩索拉斯王陵墓」、「羅得島的太陽神銅像」以及「亞力山大港的燈塔」,為現存古代世界七大奇蹟的憑據。 目录 1 來源考據 2 七大奇蹟 2.1 吉薩大金字塔 2.2 巴比倫空中花園 2.3 奧林匹克宙斯神像 2.4 以弗所阿耳忒彌斯神廟 3 參見 4 參考文獻 來源考據 前550年古希臘領域分佈 地中海是地球上最大的陸間海,處於歐亞非3個大洲之間,以直布羅陀海峽接連大西洋,風浪較小,海水不冰封,海岸線曲折,島嶼眾多,擁有許多天然港口。沿著地中海東岸,從尼羅河三角洲、黎凡特、新月沃土、兩河流域至安那托利亞,孕育了許多重要的人類文明,從前40世紀至前2世紀,先後有人類最早的信史兩河文明、四大文明古國的巴比倫與古埃及、西方文明的源祖古希臘、以及洲際大帝國古羅馬,被稱為「文明的搖籃」( Cradle of civilization ) [1] 。 前11世紀開始,古希臘文明伊始,至前8世紀其特有的城邦式社會架構逐漸成型,透過繁盛的海上貿易,沿著地中海殖民發展,古希臘船員將他們出海所見所聞,帶到各城邦。 前5世紀,古希臘人希羅多德為了研究希波戰爭,遊歷地中海沿岸諸國,並將收集的資料編寫成《歷史(希臘語: Ἱστορίαι )》一書,內容包含了描寫巴比倫的城市規劃,以及古埃及的金字塔,此為有關古代七大奇蹟最早的文字記載 [2] 。 前334年,亞歷山大大帝帶領古希臘大軍越過赫勒斯滂(今達達尼爾海峽),征服了整個波斯帝國,穿過興都庫什山脈進入印度後折返。至此古希臘達到鼎盛時期,興建許多代表性的重大工程、建築與紀念碑 [2]