Diretas Já

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Diretas Já

Diretas ja 2.JPG

Diretas Já demonstration in São Paulo on April 16, 1984.

Date March 1983 – April 1984
Location Major cities throughout Brazil
Tancredo Neves, Leonel Brizola, Miguel Arraes, Ulysses Guimarães, André Franco Montoro, Dante de Oliveira, Mário Covas, Gérson Camata, Iris Rezende, Orestes Quércia, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, Eduardo Suplicy, Roberto Freire, Fernando Henrique Cardoso among others.
Outcome Indirect election of Tancredo Neves and approval of a Constituent Assembly

Diretas Já (Portuguese pronunciation: [dʒiˈɾɛtɐz ˈʒa], Direct (Elections) Now) was a civil unrest movement which, in 1984, demanded direct presidential elections in Brazil.


  • 1 Participants of the movement

  • 2 Location of the first public protest

  • 3 Economic situation

  • 4 Assemblies

  • 5 See also

  • 6 References

  • 7 External links

Participants of the movement

The movement brought together diverse elements of Brazilian society. Participants came from a broad spectrum of political parties, trade unions, civil, student and journalistic leaderships. Politicians involved included Ulysses Guimarães, Tancredo Neves, André Franco Montoro, Fernando Henrique Cardoso, Mário Covas, Teotônio Vilela, José Serra, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, Eduardo Suplicy and Leonel Brizola among others. Besides politicians, the movement also included artists such as Milton Nascimento, Fernanda Montenegro, Gilberto Gil, Bruna Lombardi, Fafá de Belém, and Chico Buarque de Holanda. Journalists such as Henfil, Osmar Santos and Eliel Ramos Maurício covered the assemblies for periodicals Diário de Sorocaba and Folha de Itapetininga. Sectors of the Roman Catholic Church, as well as other religions, also supported the movement.[1]

Location of the first public protest

The first public protest for the Diretas occurred in the emancipated town of Abreu e Lima, in Pernambuco, on March 31, 1983. Periodicals of the state of Pernambuco, at the time, organized members of the PMDB party in the city, which were followed by protests in the capital of the state of Goiás, Goiânia, on June 15, 1983, as well as the Charles Miller Plaza, in front of Pacaembu Stadium, on November 27, 1983 in São Paulo.

Economic situation

The growth of the movement coincided with the aggravation of an economic crisis (with an annual inflation of 239% in 1983). This led to the mobilization of class entities and unions. The movement linked representatives from diverse political backgrounds under the common cause of direct elections for president. Many pro-status quo politicians, sensitive to their base, had also formed a block of disagreement within "ARENA", the pro-government party, when PDS was founded.

In the following year, the movement gained critical mass and was able to mobilize itself openly. On the anniversary of the city of São Paulo (January 25), the first great assembly of the campaign for direct elections for president was made possible by André Franco Montoro, then-governor of São Paulo, on Praça da Sé, a major public square adjacent to the São Paulo Cathedral (Catedral da Sé).

By this time the Military Regime had lost a great deal of prestige with the majority of the population. Low ranking members of the military, with their wages diminished due to inflation, started to voice their discontent to their superiors.

On April 16, shortly before the vote in Congress which would enable direct elections for president, a final demonstration took place in São Paulo. Afraid that the Praça da Sé would prove too small, the Anhangabaú Valley was chosen, where an estimated crowd of over 1.5 million people attended, in what was the largest political demonstration ever seen in Brazil.

During the month of April 1984, then-president Figueiredo increased the censorship on the press and promoted arrests and police violence. Nonetheless, the Diretas Já amendment (known as Dante de Oliveira law, after its author) was voted on April 25, 1984. Despite a vote of 298 in favor, with 65 against, 112 pro-government deputies abstained, leaving the Chamber without a quorum. As a result, the bill died.

Despite the bill's failure, the movement proved to be a catalyst for various opposition forces and a voice for popular discontent. The re-democratization process ended with the return of civil power in 1985 and the approval of a new constitution in 1988, which called for the first direct presidential elections in 1989. Brazil then elected Fernando Collor de Mello, its first democratically elected president since 1961.


This is a partial list in chronological order of the Diretas Já demonstrations:

Number of participants
March 31, 1983

Abreu e Lima, Pernambuco

As the first public event of Diretas Já, the number of participants was not high.
June 15, 1983

Goiânia, Goiás
It took place on Praça do Bandeirante.
June 26, 1983

Teresina, Piauí

August 12, 1983

It took place on several cities of the state.
November 27, 1983

São Paulo, São Paulo
On this date, Senator Teotônio Vilela died.
December 9, 1983

Ponta Grossa, Paraná

January 5, 1984

Olinda, Pernambuco

January 12, 1984

Curitiba, Paraná
This event counted with the participation of Juan Carlos Quintana, an alleged spokesman of Raúl Alfonsín. It was later discovered that he was an agent of the dictatorship infiltrated in order to give the impression that the movement began under international influence.
January 20, 1984

Salvador, Bahia

January 21, 1984

Vitória, Espírito Santo

Campinas, São Paulo

January 25, 1984
São Paulo, São Paulo
It took place on Praça da Sé.
January 26, 1984

João Pessoa, Paraíba

January 27, 1984

Olinda, Pernambuco

January 29, 1984

Maceió, Alagoas
It took place on Praia da Pajuçara.
February 16, 1984

Belém, Pará

Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro
It was the first parade of the Diretas, going from Candelária to Cinelândia.
February 17, 1984

Recife, Pernambuco
A parade took place.
February 18, 1984

Manaus, Amazonas

February 19, 1984

Capão da Canoa, Rio Grande do Sul
A parade took place.

Osasco, São Paulo

Rio Branco, Acre

February 20, 1984

Cuiabá, Mato Grosso

February 24, 1984

Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais

February 26, 1984
São Paulo

Public events in 300 cities of the state.

Aracaju, Sergipe

February 29, 1984

Juiz de Fora, Minas Gerais

March 8, 1984

Anápolis, Goiás

March 21, 1984
Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro
200, 000
Another parade from Candelária to Cinelândia takes place.
March 22, 1984

Campinas, São Paulo
It was only a music concert, without any political speech.
March 23, 1984

Uberlândia, Minas Gerais

March 24, 1984

Campo Grande, Mato Grosso do Sul

March 29, 1984

Florianópolis, Santa Catarina
It took place outside the same church where four years earlier the Novembrada, a confrontation between the military police and students, occurred.
April 2, 1984

Londrina, Paraná

April 6, 1984

Natal, Rio Grande do Norte

April 7, 1984

Petrolina, Pernambuco

April 10, 1984
Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro
It took place outside the Candelária Church.
April 12, 1984
Goiânia, Goiás
It took place on Praça do Bandeirante.
April 13, 1984

Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul

April 16, 1984
São Paulo, São Paulo
A parade from Praça da Sé to Vale do Anhangabaú succeeded the event. Up to that date, it was the largest public demonstration in the history of Brazil.

See also

  • 1964 Brazilian coup d'état

  • History of Brazil (1964-1985)


  1. ^ http://www.bradoretumbante.org.br/historia/diretas-ja

External links

  • (in Portuguese)Folha de S.Paulo Assembly of "Diretas-Já"

  • (in Portuguese)"Diretas-Já" O Estado de S. Paulo

  • (in Portuguese)"Diretas-Já" Abril Cultural

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