

熱木星英语:Hot Jupiters),亦稱為焙燒爐行星roaster planets[1]超級木星epistellar jovians[2][3]pegasids[4][5]是一種系外氣體巨行星。它們的質量接近或超過木星(1.9 × 1027 kg)[6],但与太陽系中的情况不同:木星的軌道半徑是5天文單位,成為熱木星的行星軌道與母恆星距离在0.5至0.015天文單位以內,大約只是太陽系內水星到太阳距離的八分之一至金星到太阳距離。[7]



  • 1 形成和演进

  • 2 共同特性

  • 3 在熱木星系統中的類地行星

  • 4 逆行軌道

  • 5 蓬鬆行星

  • 6 衛星

  • 7 相關條目

  • 8 参考文献

  • 9 外部連結




原位形成说认为,热木星原本是超级地球形的岩石行星,在形成后逐渐吸附周围气体形成气态巨行星,原来的岩石行星成为巨行星的固态内核。根据推算,固体表面的密度要达到104 g/cm2才可能成为气态巨行星的内核,因此这一学说受到质疑[13][14][15]





  1. 对于处于整个它們所在的行星系之外的观察者来说,它们比具有相同的質量,但处于离所围绕的恒星更远軌道上的行星,凌日的機會更高。[6]

  2. 由於高度的日照率使得密度低于預期。并且由於凌日的時候背景造成的周邊昏暗效應,使半徑難以測量,而行星的初切和終切的邊界也難以測量。

  3. 都是經歷了行星遷移之後才存在於現在的位置。因為在如此緊挨恒星的位置上沒有足夠的材料原位生成質量如此巨大的行星。[17]

  4. 軌道離心率都很低。這是因為它們的軌道都是圓形,或是經歷天秤動的過程而圓化。這也造成行星的公轉與自轉同週期相同,因此總以同一面朝向恆星,称為潮汐鎖定。[18]








質量極低的熱木星被稱為蓬鬆行星(puffy planets)或熱土星(hot Saturns),全因它們的密度與土星相若。至今,天文學家已發現六個蓬鬆行星,它們分別是:HAT-P-1b[23]、柯洛1b、TrES-4、WASP-12b、WASP-17b和开普勒7b。[24]這些蓬鬆行星的質量皆小於半個木星。若蓬鬆行星的質量接近木星,那麼其重力就會將行星大小壓縮到接近木星的大小。[25]




  • 飛馬座51

  • 太陽系外行星


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  2. ^ Darling, David, epistellar jovians, The Internet Encyclopedia of Science 

  3. ^ Odenwald, Sten, What is an "Epistellar Jovian Exoplanet"?, The Astronomy Cafe 

  4. ^ Interiors of extrasolar planets: A first step (PDF), Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2006-05-30 

  5. ^ Than, Ker, Inside Exoplanets: Motley Crew of Worlds Share Common Thread, Space.com, 2006-06-05 

  6. ^ 6.06.1 Flipping Hot Jupiters : Northwestern University Newscenter

  7. ^ Mathiesen, Ben, 'Hot Jupiter' Systems may Harbor Earth-like Planets, PhysOrg.com, 2006-03-19 

  8. ^ Dawson, Rebekah I.; Johnson, John Asher, Rebekah I.; Johnsom, John Asher. Origins of Hot Jupiters. 2018. arXiv:1801.06117. 

  9. ^ D'Angelo, Gennaro; Durisen, Richard H.; Lissauer, Jack J. Giant Planet Formation. (编) Seager, Sara. Exoplanets. University of Arizona Press. December 2010: 319–346. Bibcode:2010exop.book..319D. ISBN 978-0-8165-2945-2. arXiv:1006.5486. 

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  11. ^ Lubow, S. H.; Ida, S. Planet Migration. (编) S. Seager. Exoplanets. University of Arizona Press, Tucson, AZ. 2011: 347–371. Bibcode:2011exop.book..347L. arXiv:1004.4137. 

  12. ^ Knutson, Heather A.; Fulton, Benjamin J.; Montet, Benjamin T.; Kao, Melodie; Ngo, Henry; Howard, Andrew W.; Crepp, Justin R.; Hinkley, Sasha; Bakos, Gaspar Á. Friends of Hot Jupiters. I. A Radial Velocity Search for Massive, Long-period Companions to Close-in Gas Giant Planets. The Astrophysical Journal. 2014-01-01, 785 (2): 126. Bibcode:2014ApJ...785..126K. ISSN 0004-637X. arXiv:1312.2954. doi:10.1088/0004-637X/785/2/126 (英语). 

  13. ^ Rafikov, Roman R. Atmospheres of Protoplanetary Cores: Critical Mass for Nucleated Instability. The Astrophysical Journal. 2006-01-01, 648 (1): 666–682. Bibcode:2006ApJ...648..666R. ISSN 0004-637X. arXiv:astro-ph/0405507. doi:10.1086/505695 (英语). 

  14. ^ Hayashi, Chushiro. Structure of the Solar Nebula, Growth and Decay of Magnetic Fields and Effects of Magnetic and Turbulent Viscosities on the Nebula. Progress of Theoretical Physics Supplement. 1981-01-01, 70: 35–53. Bibcode:1981PThPS..70...35H. ISSN 0375-9687. doi:10.1143/PTPS.70.35. (原始内容存档于2015-02-19) (英语). 

  15. ^ D'Angelo, G.; Bodenheimer, P. In Situ and Ex Situ Formation Models of Kepler 11 Planets. The Astrophysical Journal. 2016, 828: in press. Bibcode:2016ApJ...828...33D. arXiv:1606.08088. doi:10.3847/0004-637X/828/1/33. 

  16. ^
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  17. ^ Characterizing the Cool KOIs II. The M Dwarf KOI-254 and its Hot Jupiter: John Asher Johnson, J. Zachary Gazak, Kevin Apps, Philip S. Muirhead, Justin R. Crepp, Ian J. M. Crossfield, Tabetha Boyajian, Kaspar von Braun, Barbara Rojas-Ayala, Andrew W. Howard, Kevin R. Covey, Everett Schlawin, Katherine Hamren, Timothy D. Morton, James P. Lloyd

  18. ^ Chambers, John. Planet Formation with Type I and Type II Migration. AAS/Division of Dynamical Astronomy Meeting. 2007-07-01. Bibcode:2007DDA....38.0604C. 

  19. ^ 19.019.1 Fogg, Martyn J.; Richard P. Nelson. On the formation of terrestrial planets in hot-Jupiter systems. A&A. 2007, 461: 1195–1208. arXiv:astro-ph/0610314v1.  引文使用过时参数coauthors (帮助)

  20. ^ Turning planetary theory upside down, ESO Press Release (Royal Astronomical Society), 2010-04-13: 16, Bibcode:2010eso..pres...16 

  21. ^ Tilting stars may explain backwards planets, New Scientist, 01 September 2010, Magazine issue 2776.

  22. ^ Summary Table of Kepler Discoveries. NASA. 2010-03-15 [2010-03-18]. 

  23. ^ Ker Than. Puffy 'Cork' Planet Would Float on Water. Space.com. 2006-09-14 [2007-08-08]. 

  24. ^ Puffy planet poses pretty puzzle. BBC News. 2006-09-15 [2010-03-17]. 

  25. ^ Chang, Kenneth. Puzzling Puffy Planet, Less Dense Than Cork, Is Discovered. The New York Times. 2010-11-11. 

  26. ^ "Stability of Satellites around Close-in Extrasolar Giant Planets


  • Inside Exoplanets: Motley Crew of Worlds Share Common Thread

  • NASA: Global temperature map of an exoplanet

  • First known theoretical prediction about existence of Hot Jupiters - by Otto Struve in 1952.

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